•  Alternatively, you can opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting the: Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.


For more information about DoubleClick, including information about how to opt out of these technologies, go to:



Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (aka GDPR) is a new and far-reaching privacy regulation that takes effect May 2018.


You can read the full text of the law here. 


The GDPR gives EU individuals rights to their personal data. There are some exceptions/exemptions to the rights granted by the GDPR, but in general it includes rights to:

  • request access to the data we store about you

  • request updates/changes to your personal data

  • request the deletion of your personal data

  • take your personal data to a new service

  • request we limit our collection and use of your personal data (e.g., opt out of being tracked by our first party analytics tool)

Although GDPR is a law that only applies within the European Union, we are offering tools to manage your personal data to all of our users.

Additionally, you can expect that we as a company will work to protect the privacy of your personal data, will only collect the data when we have a reason to do so.